Describe a law on environmental protection cue card

Describe a law on environmental protection cue card

Describe a law on environmental protection cue card
Describe a law on environmental protection cue card


 Barbecue speaking part one Question Answers

[  ] What it is
[  ] How you first learned about it
[  ] Who benefits from it
[  ] And explain how you feel about this law

Different laws are imposed by the government for the well being of society.

Nowadays, environmental concerns are increasing day by day due to human activities which become the cause of pollution.

There are already several laws such as a ban on smoking places, the law against female foeticide, and also against cutting trees.

But here I want to talk about a law which has been imposed by the government.

I came to know about this law from the internet when I was surfing on the internet.

Then I read that government has made the law against people who construct big factories and industries in residential areas because it creates a lot of problems for people.

First and foremost is that it creates air pollution which put an impact on humans, marine species as well as destroys natural habitats due to the emission of toxic gases.

Moreover, city dwellers who have respiratory problems, face more difficulties regarding their health sometimes it leads to death.

These factories also create noise pollution which disturbs the peace of natural surroundings.

Big manufacturing companies not only harm the urban areas but also put a detrimental effect on nature.

After the enactment of this law, people became more aware and it was good news for local citizens.

The construction of industries has been reduced to some extent after imposing this law.

However, there are still some people who do not obey the rules which is not a good thing.

So government need to put more restrictions on the manufacturing of products in urban areas as well as they should try to find other alternatives that will not pollute the environment.

I feel that If the government will not take any strict steps against it then this problem will reach the peak which can become the cause of natural disasters.

Talk about an interesting story you listened to in your childhood cue card

 follow-ups questions of Law on Environmental protection follow-ups

1. Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?

Why not, I am a nature-loving person. If I get a chance I would like to work in a company that is practising environmental conservation. 

because I want to know more about the preventative measures which can be taken to reduce the pollution.

2. How can we protect the environment?

With every small step, we can protect our environment.

Reduce, reuse, and recycle is the best practices to prevent the environment.

As Volunteer, we can clean our community.
Apart from this, education is the best way by which we can help others to understand the importance and value of our natural resources.

Use bicycle instead of car or bike.
Planting trees are some important steps that can contribute to saving our environment.

3. Do you think you have done enough to protect the environment?

No, I don’t think I have done enough. But Yes, I have definitely contributed a little bit.

I have planted a lot of trees near my area and I also suggest my friends and relatives to plant more and more trees.
Also, last year my college friends and I aimed to clean up the suburban areas of our town and I am glad that we have completed it.

I think this is the responsibility of every human being to get together to solve this problem.

4. Is there education about environmental protection at school?

In India, the subject related to the protection of the environment is compulsory in the school curriculum but still, some illiterate people are not aware of it so it is the onus of the government to run campaigns and organise seminars in schools and local areas to aware the individuals.


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