Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired cue card

Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired cue card

Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired
Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired 

- What it is
- How it was broken
- How you get it repaired
- And how you felt about it

It is normal for things to break down while doing work, sometimes we replace or repair it. 

There is a mixer at our home, Last week it broke down. 

When I was making milkshake for myself, just after one rotation, it suddenly stopped working. 

First I thought that electricity has been gone. But I was wrong. 

There was a smell like electrical burning, 

It did not take me long to understand that it's motor is burnt. 

(मुझे ये समझने में देर नहीं लगी की इसकी मोटर जल गई है) 

I needed to repair it because it was a necessary appliance of our kitchen. 

I purchased it from the local market. 

The mixer was of Phillip company. 

Then, I check its warranty card, fortunately, it was in warranty. 

I went to Phillips service centre and asked to repair it.  

They checked it and told me that motor brushes are worn out and we have to  replace its internal motor parts. 

They asked me to fill the form and wait for two days. 

Two days later I went to the service center, they fixed my mixer and they also told me not to use it for too long at a time. 

Use it intermittently (रुक रुक कर). 

I brought it home and used it according to their guidelines. 

Now it is working fine like new one. 

My mom got very happy because she was facing difficulty in preparing gravy for vegetables. 

And now I am also enjoying my favourite shakes. 

So this was the item which was broken down in my home and I repaired.

All latest cue card 2022 with new ideas  


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