Describe a course that impressed you a lot cue card

 Describe a course that impressed you a lot cue card

Describe a course that impressed you a lot
 Describe a course that impressed you a lot

[  ] What the course was about
[  ] Where you took the course
[  ] What you do during the course
[  ] And why it impressed you a lot

In last summer I was free for two months.
my father told me that there is an NGO which is going to organise a free physiotherapy camp for one month. 

And they were also offering admission to a physiotherapy certificate course for one month.

I have a lot of interest in health and fitness. So I decided to join this course.

During the course, I learned about different muscles and bones in the human body.

I came to know very interesting and amazing things about the working of the human body.

In practical sessions, I learned different exercises and yoga poses to reduce the stiffness and pain from the body.

They also taught us about different acupressure points present in hand, by pressing which we can get rid of many diseases.

In the last three days of the course, I assisted many patients who were suffering from different pain issues.

It was a very nice experience to explore my health knowledge.

After finishing the course, I came back home and I told to my grandmother to do an exercise because she had back pain.

Within three days, almost 90% of her back pain disappeared.

I was very impressed to see the magic of physiotherapy.

Now I always advise people to exercise because it hales us without medicines.


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