Fact Sheet on Meteorites IELTS reading answer
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Fact Sheet on Meteorites reading answer |
brilliant night and with a noise like thunder at the end of a journey that began in the
reaches of the solar system as long agn as 45 000 million years
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Cocles that were later fragmented Unlike EartA rocks. the oldest of which cate bock a
While in space, they are known as meteors Though their origins.cannot be known for
sure, there are indications that they are associated with comets. and that they originate for
the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter There they remain orbiting the Sun, but any the
stray too close to Earth find themselves caught in its gravitational pul ana Deyn to plumb
towards its surface. Tearing through the atmosphere, are heated and their surfaces
by friction. Between 100 and 150 kilometes above Earth, they become incannes.cnt end e
larger ones are visible as bright lights traing uminous tals Some explode with a brillart
apunu a 2oue pue
Most meteors burn up completely on entering the atmosphere, but some sunwe the jout
and land on Earth's surface Trahen becme known as meteorites.
Meteorites ray in size Sonicare the sze of smal pebbles otnars weigh many tons
Specifically, thay are extremely.adle Studying their chemical mineralogical
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e stuc, of meteontes is a comparaveyacng science, but meteorites nave been known t
oteg te falls ere describe by whitare of the Han Dynasty in China and Dy the
philosophers of ancient Greece In Mecca. Moslems pay binge to the sacred stone oi
wnch is apparently a meteorite American Indens are allso known to have naid romance to
meteorite and members of twn tribes made yearly pilgrimages to a h in them Anita
where the Iron Creek meteorite l
During the Iron Age, many meteorites were destroyed to make implements and weapons-
among some peoples, these weapons were believed to confer supernatural powers on the
in the Middle Ages meteorites were regarded with awe as signs of God's wate, so they were
rarely preserved. It was not until the early 19th century that scientists became convinced fnaf
they were perfectly natural bodies, the scientific study of them is only about 150 years old
There are three main types of meteorite - ircns, stones and stony-irons
Irons are mainly composed of nickel-iron aloy and have a characteristically dense and
metallic appearance They originate from the core' of their parent body and because of
their metallic nature are more resistant to atmospheric friction than other metres The
largest meteorites are usually irons. The first meteorites found in Westerm Australwereons
discovered by a policeman named Alfred Eaton towards the end of the 19th century
Stones consist largely of magnesium-rich silicate minerals, with varying amounts of nickel-
iron. There are two main classes of stony meteorites - those that contain sUbstanees callod
chondrules, and those that do not. The chemical composition of the first grOup-known as
chondrites - is very similar to that of the Sun.
Stony-irons contain about equal amounts of metallic nickel-iroo aloy and silicate material
They are less common than the other 1wo types of meteorite, The stony portion generally
occurs as fragments welded by metal. They are probably the result pf a high speed.cullison in
space between a body of iron and one of stone - the metal would have melted at the time of
A meteorite 'fall' is a meteorite recovered after a witnessed fireball, A meteorte find' is a
meteorite found by chance Jong after it fell to Earth,
Seeing a meteorite fall can be quite spectacular. For example, residents and visitors in
Vfiunz, Western Australia, i the Annual Race Meeting festivities on 2 September 1967 saw
the night sky lit by a flash "like a welding arc - white arl blue'. One man reported seeing 'an
object about 20 feet (six metres) long throwing out balls of fire'. Others reported 'a terrific
rumbling noise' and 'six or seven bangs'. These explosive noises were caused by atmospheric
shock waves as the meteorite fragmented on its journey to Earth
The surface of a meteorite is quite different from that of most ordinary rocks This is a result of
entering the atmosphere at high speed and the outer portion of the meteorite being melted or
Stony meteorites have a glassy, duli black to deep brown fusion crust. This coating is only a
few millimetres thick and if part of the surface is broken, the interior looks quite different.
Iron end stony-Iron meteorites aiso have fusion crust:, but they are not quite so obvious
Most meteorites contain some metallic iror. This caribe recognised as silvery are or
grains unbroken surfaces. It means the! meteorites are usually heavier than ordinary rocks ef
the same size Alsn, they will attract a magnot.
Making a positive identification and classifying a met write reutres expert know'edge ond
sophisticated equipment.
Fact Sheet on Meteorites reading answer
- D
- C
- A
- B
- E
- Crystalline matter
- Pilgrimages
- Chemical composition
- High speed
- Sophisticated equipment
- True
- Not Given
- False
Internet Censorship IELTS reading answer