ielts map task 1 vocabulary

 Using a diverse range of IELTS map task 1 vocabulary can significantly enhance your description and analysis of the map in Task 1 of the IELTS exam, showcasing a strong command of vocabulary and facilitating a clear, detailed, and accurate description of the visual data provided.. Here is a list of vocabulary words categorized by different elements commonly found on maps:

 Vocabulary for map task 1 ielts

Location and Position:

1. Adjacent

2. Vicinity

3. Proximity

4. Bordering

5. Situated

6. Central

7. Surrounding

8. Northern/Southern/Eastern/Western


Direction and Orientation:

1. Northward/Southward/Eastward/Westward

2. Upstream/Downstream

3. Parallel

4. Diagonal

5. Perpendicular


Size and Scale:

1. Vast

2. Spacious

3. Compact

4. Dense

5. Extensive

6. Encompassing

7. Proportionate


Change and Movement:

1. Transition

2. Shift

3. Transformation

4. Alteration

5. Evolution

6. Migration

7. Displacement


Topography and Features

1. Elevation

2. Terrain

3. Valley

4. Plateau

5. Basin

6. Ridge

7. Slope

8. Peak


Water Bodies:

1. Riverine

2. Estuary

3. Tributary

4. Delta

5. Reservoir

6. Lakelet

7. Strait


Built Environment:

1. Infrastructure

2. Urbanized

3. Rural

4. Suburban

5. Residential

6. Commercial

7. Industrial

8. Landmarks


Land Use and Zoning:

1. Agricultural

2. Pastoral

3. Arable

4. Industrialized

5. Residential

6. Conservation area

7. Parkland

8. Greenbelt


Using a variety of these vocabulary words will help you accurately describe and compare maps effectively, showcasing a strong command of vocabulary and enhancing the clarity of your writing.


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