Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child cue card

 Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child cue card

  • When was it 
  •  Who the child was 
  • Why did you spend time with the child 
  •  Explain what you did and how did you feel


I'd like to share a memorable occasion when I had the pleasure of spending time with a charming young child named Riya. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon in July when we embarked on a delightful adventure that rekindled the magic of childhood.

  • When was it 

The occasion took place during a family gathering at my aunt's house. Riya, a delightful six-year-old girl with twinkling eyes and a contagious laughter, was my cousin's daughter. Her infectious energy and bubbly personality always filled the room with joy.


  • Why did you spend time with the child 

I eagerly chose to spend time with Riya to create a joyful and engaging experience for her, as well as to foster a deeper connection with my little cousin. I wanted to provide her with a companion to explore her imagination and engage in activities that would bring smiles to her face.

  •  Explain what you did and how did you feel

We embarked on a variety of activities that transported us to a world of wonder. We started by building a magnificent fort out of blankets and pillows in the living room, turning it into our secret hideaway. As we giggled and whispered stories, I couldn't help but feel a surge of nostalgia, relishing the innocence of the moment.

Next, we immersed ourselves in a world of art. Riya's eyes sparkled with excitement as we painted colorful masterpieces, our imaginations running wild on the canvas. Seeing her sheer joy and the pride in her eyes when she displayed her creations filled my heart with warmth and contentment.

To embrace the outdoors, we took a stroll to the nearby park, where we played on the swings and climbed the jungle gym. Watching Riya's radiant smile and contagious laughter as she fearlessly conquered the playground filled me with a sense of pure bliss.

Spending time with Riya was a precious experience that allowed me to relive the magic of childhood. From building forts to unleashing our creativity and enjoying playful moments at the park, every second was filled with laughter, love, and a renewed appreciation for the innocence and boundless joy that young children bring. It was a day that created cherished memories and deepened our bond, reminding me of the importance of nurturing and cherishing the moments we share with the young ones in our lives.

Follow up question 

1. Do you think there are too many rules for young children to follow, whether at school or at home?

The number of rules for young children to follow can vary depending on the perspective. Some might perceive them as excessive, while others see them as necessary for teaching discipline and structure. Personally, I believe that a reasonable set of rules helps children understand boundaries and promotes their well-being.

2. Do you think children should follow all the rules?

It is important for children to learn to follow rules to develop discipline and respect for authority. However, it is also essential for parents and educators to establish rules that are age-appropriate and meaningful, ensuring that children understand the reasons behind them. Teaching children to question and evaluate rules is also valuable for their critical thinking skills.

3. Do you think it's necessary for parents to make decisions for their children?

Parents play a vital role in guiding and protecting their children. While it's important to encourage children's independence and decision-making skills as they grow, there are instances when parents need to make decisions on their behalf, especially when the child's well-being or safety is at stake.

4. Do you think it's good for parents to help children choose friends?

Parents can offer guidance and support when their children are selecting friends. By fostering open communication and discussing positive qualities in friendships, parents can help children develop healthy relationships. However, it's crucial to allow children the freedom to choose friends based on their own preferences and interests.

5. Where do children usually play?

Children's play locations can vary based on age and circumstances. Younger children often prefer supervised play in familiar environments, such as their homes or nearby parks. Older children tend to explore and engage in outdoor activities, often seeking independence and opportunities to socialize with peers.

6. While traveling with children, which of the parents takes more care of the children?

Parental involvement while traveling with children can vary depending on individual circumstances, parenting styles, and the specific needs of the children. In modern times, both parents often share responsibilities and take turns caring for their children during travel. However, it can be situational, with one parent taking the lead in certain situations while the other provides support.

7. How do parents teach children to respect people?

Parents are crucial role models in teaching children about respect. They can demonstrate respect by treating others kindly, showing empathy, and practicing good manners. Parents can also engage in open conversations with their children, discussing the importance of respecting others' feelings, opinions, and personal boundaries.

8. Do outdoor activities help children?

Engaging in outdoor activities offers numerous benefits for children. It promotes physical health, helps develop gross motor skills, and allows them to explore and appreciate nature. Outdoor activities also provide opportunities for social interaction, teamwork, and problem-solving, fostering their overall growth and well-being.


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